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Niti Nadarajah

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"I always thought you would become a partner," a friend said to me recently. "What?! I knew what I wanted a few weeks into my legal career that I never wanted that!" See, I always knew what I DIDN'T WANT to do. But working out what I truly WANTED to do was far more challenging. • I got the grades so I ended up studying law. • I preferred law to commerce (my other degree), so I went for jobs in law firms like many other law grads. • I wanted to live overseas so I got another firm job overseas. • I wanted to come back to Australia so I transferred with my firm. • I didn't want to do the law firm lifestyle anymore, so I got a job in-house. • I progressed up the corporate ladder to head up the legal team. And throughout it all, I would ask myself "Is this all there is?" I was STUCK. Unfulfilled. Unhappy. And my story is not unique. Unfortunately, all too many of us end up feeling like we're on a treadmill that we can't get off. We tell ourselves that we can't do anything else because this is all we know. We fear the unknown - the lack of security, imposter syndrome, a lack of self-belief. We shrink ourselves down. We settle. 😔 But you CAN get off that treadmill! My life changed when I started my journey back to myself. When I found my INNER COMPASS. And I want to help you find yours and change your narrative! To help YOU gain clarity on WHO you are, WHAT you value and HOW to live your life more purposefully and intentionally. To help YOU find your TRUE NORTH and get UNSTUCK by charting a course to it. If you're feeling stuck in your career and not sure how to get unstuck, send me a DM and let’s have a chat. From someone who has been where you are, believe me – there is another way!

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