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Nicolas Villegas's Linkedin Analytics

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Nicolas Villegas

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With over 14 years of experience as a serial entrepreneur, I have founded and advised several successful ventures in the technology, logistics, and retail industries. I have a passion for creating innovative solutions that address the needs and challenges of the markets I operate in, as well as contributing to the social and environmental impact of my businesses. Currently, I am the Cofounder - CTO and Brazil Country Manager of Tul, the fastest growing startup in Latin America in the construction industry. Tul is a digital platform that connects construction workers with suppliers, offering them access to quality products, delivery services, and financing options. As the CTO, I oversee the development and implementation of the technology strategy and infrastructure that enable Tul to scale and optimize its operations. As the Brazil Country Manager, I lead the expansion and growth of the company in one of the largest and most competitive markets in the region.

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