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Noor Miah's Linkedin Analytics

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Noor Miah

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We grow marketing agencies on a pay on results basis. It’s a lot of fun, and we have a LOT of happy clients (by a lot, I mean over 215 of all shapes and sizes). To name a few… > Luca Goode - added $40k/mo to his monthly rev in 6 months. > Leon Reyes - added $10k/mo to his monthly rev in 3 months. > Ismael Aziz - added $17.5k/mo to his monthly rev in 5 months. > Kewanee Legree - added $20k/mo to her monthly rev in 7 months. > Martin McAndrew - added $27k/mo to his monthly rev in 6 months. > Ketu Lenepa - added $15k/mo to his monthly rev in 5 months. > Jamie Costello - added $16k/mo to his monthly rev in 4 months. That’s scratching the surface, but Linkedin has a pesky character limit I have to abide by. If you run a marketing agency, we can help you add $10,000 to $50,000 in new monthly revenue, in 6 sweet months. That’s not a fancy marketing headline. It’s a fact. Here’s how it works: we set you up with a collection of proven systems for appointment booking and sales that we’ve proven to work for over 150 other agencies. You let them run, then you make money and sit back while the clients come flooding in. Our systems work on a pay on results basis, and if you don’t get what you’re promised, you don’t pay us a penny. The risk is on us, meaning we have a fire lit under our backsides to get the job done. Now, you’re probably skeptical, currently squinting your eyes and rubbing your chin to figure out if I’m full of it. But let's say for a minute and say you like the sound of this and want to learn more. If you do, you can use the below link to schedule a no-pressure demo call where we’ll show you how it works. Copy and paste this into your browser to schedule > https://calendly.com/imperium-agency/discovery-call-main I’d suggest grab a slot and see what it’s all about, before someone else hunting the same marketing prospects as you does… 😉

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