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A versatile consultant with demonstrated expertise managing programs and initiatives including voice of customer, consumer insights/research, CX, national consumer studies, and public relations / communications including publicity campaigns, social media, content marketing, SEO, and websites. Consult in variety of industries including supermarket, retail, food, trade association, and nonprofit. Possess a passion for translating complex data into meaningful stories with diverse audiences and groups. Known as a thought leader, published author, collaborative partner with internal and external customers, and for contagious enthusiasm and focused energy. • Speaker/moderator on podcasts, webinars, and at events including National Grocers Association, Food Marketing Institute, Minnesota Grocers Association, IFPA (formerly PMA) Fresh Summit/Connections Retail/Foodservice, New England Produce Council, WMU Food Marketing Conference, Natural Products Expo, and IABC MN Chapter. • Provide thought leadership in articles for publications such as Progressive Grocer, Supermarket News, The Shelby Report, Minnesota Grocer Magazine, Produce Business, Supermarket Perimeter, Produce Blue Book, and numerous online blogs including RetailWire, serving as a Braintrust panelist. • Co-author of "Feedback Rules!" - Brigantine Media (2016). What great things can we do together? Let's connect today!

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