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Victor Benson

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As a Digital Marketing Analyst at Wow Effect Communications, I develop and execute marketing campaigns, create engaging social media content, and conduct keyword research to optimize websites for search. I also analyze marketing data and create reports to measure and improve the performance of our campaigns. In addition, I work as a Search Engine Marketing Analyst at Scrapays Inc., where I help increase their online visibility and conversions through Google Ads. I am proficient in creating and managing search, display, and video ads, as well as tracking and optimizing their results. I have a degree in geosciences from the Federal University of Technology Akure, and I have earned multiple certifications from Google Digital Academy and BrightLocal. I have a keen interest in Pay Per Click Advertising and SEO, and I am always eager to learn new skills and tools in this field. I am a results-oriented individual who enjoys tackling challenges and finding creative solutions.

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