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I help companies and organizations make meaningful changes that positively impact their bottom line. Whether through my marketing or work-life balance services, senior leaders and managers seek me out to look holistically at what are often complex challenges and help them solve problems. SUPPORTING BRANDS TO MAKE BETTER MARKETING DECISIONS As a brand, are you trying to maximize your marketing resources and make better business and marketing decisions? Whether you’re looking to improve your marketing, uplevel your business, or find new opportunities, as a fractional CMO/marketing strategist, I help you think more holistically so you take the right action before you start spending money. For 20+ years, I've helped big and small companies and seasoned entrepreneurs overcome their marketing and business challenges. My insights and advice impact business results today and long term. I take my experience during 12+ years at marketing agencies working on large well-known brands as an integrated marketer and apply that to new challenges, whether for large brands or small businesses. HELPING COMPANIES BECOME MORE BALANCE FRIENDLY Businesses around the globe are struggling to attract and retain talent, including working moms (and dads). During the pandemic, many companies realized that providing employees with flexibility and a more balance-friendly environment would be a competitive advantage. As a manager, HR professional, or senior leader, you might be looking for new resources to help in your journey to becoming a more balance-friendly organization. If you’re looking for a speaker to help your employees learn new practical tips or a consultant to help you make strategic decisions to support your employees, I'm here to help. HELPING WORKING MOMS (AND DADS) TO CREATE GREATER BALANCE IN THEIR LIVES If you’re ready to take action to create more of the life you want, where you intentionally balance your career and life, I can help. Learn actionable, practical tips to make small, consistent steps. Schedule time with me or buy my award-winning books, so you start now. Don’t find yourself in the same situation in a year, wondering why nothing has changed. TAKE ACTION NOW Schedule a 20-minute or 60-minute session for either strategic marketing and business consulting or work-life balance help or get more information on my books at www.mompowerment.com/shop. Take action now to create change in your company or life.

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