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Oluwaseun Olaniyan's Linkedin Analytics

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Oluwaseun Olaniyan

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Currently, I work as a Sales Manager at Touchcore Africa, a leading digital agency that provides web and mobile solutions, and as a Sales Associate at Wajusoft, a software development company that specializes in e-commerce and fintech platforms. In both roles, I use my CRM and data analysis skills to generate leads, negotiate contracts, and close deals with clients across various sectors and regions. I also collaborate with remote teams to ensure timely and effective project delivery, using timeline management and communication tools. I am passionate about empowering women and girls in STEM fields, and I volunteer as a Program Manager at Techinheels, a social enterprise that offers innovative and impactful programs to over 500 participants across Africa. I oversee the design and delivery of the programs, using agile kanban methodology, and partner with instructors, mentors, and organizations to create engaging and inclusive learning experiences. I am motivated by the opportunity to support the development and growth of organizations that foster ideas, innovation, and personal input.

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