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Olawole Afolabi's Linkedin Analytics

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Olawole Afolabi

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Armed with a knack for balancing business needs with user needs and a dash of creativity, I'm a UX design maestro with over 4 years of experience under my belt. I have a soft spot for startups and enterprise companies, helping them create kickass products that users can't get enough of. Leading projects from start to finish? That's my jam! I collaborate with stakeholders, use a cocktail of methodologies and tools, and bring designs to life that are as functional as they are fabulous. I'm a team player who loves the hustle and bustle of cross-functional teams. I gather insights, build consensus, and design solutions that meet user and business goals - like a design superhero saving the day! Always on the prowl for the latest industry trends, I continuously explore new ways to jazz up the design process and deliver results that make people go "Wow!". In a nutshell, I'm not just your average designer. I'm your strategic partner in creating products that are loved by users and boost your bottom line. Now, let's design something amazing together!

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