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Olena Levchenko

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Transitioning from a lawyer to a marketer was a significant and intriguing step in my career. The shift from a legal career to marketing was made possible thanks to my diverse background and the skills I acquired over many years of working in the legal field. My experience as a lawyer provided me with valuable skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, negotiation, and the ability to work under pressure. These skills have proven to be extremely useful in the field of marketing. Being open to change and eager to learn new things has always been a defining trait of mine. In the constantly evolving marketing industry, adaptability is a crucial advantage. I've always been open to new trends and technologies. My specialization in social media marketing (SMM) began during my maternity leave when I decided to open my own clothing store. This project was a significant challenge, but it also provided me with the opportunity to acquire new skills and successfully apply them. My skill set as an SMM specialist includes content creation, audience engagement, strategy development, collaboration with bloggers, video editing, and much more. This experience enables me to effectively promote products and services in the market. Furthermore, my entrepreneurial achievement with my clothing store confirms my ability to implement marketing strategies and engage with customers. Overall, my transition from law to marketing is a testament to my adaptability and my ability to acquire and effectively apply new skills. My diverse set of skills and work experience are valuable assets in the field of marketing, where creativity, communication, and the ability to understand and engage with the audience are highly valued.

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