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Olga Brumnik 's Linkedin Analytics

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Olga Brumnik

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Welcome to my LinkedIn profile! 🚀 About Me: -> I am a self-employed business consultant and digital transformation expert with 7+ dynamic years in logistics & supply chain management and a solid foundation through a Master in Business Consulting & Digital Management. -> I am passionate about digital transformation with a focus on helping organisations optimise supply chain and logistics processes, paving the way for sustainable success and putting people first. 🔍 Expertise Areas: - Digital Transformation: Spearheading strategic initiatives to digitize and streamline operations, enabling organizations to thrive in the digital era. - Process Optimization: Leveraging deep industry insights to analyze, refine, and automate processes, enhancing efficiency and productivity. - Software Solutions: Guiding the selection, implementation, and migration of pivotal software solutions such as ERP, TMS, and WMS, tailored for logistics and SCM excellence. - Project Leadership: Delivering projects with precision, from visionary planning through to execution, with expertise in Project Management, Scrum Mastery, and Test Management. 💪 My Commitment: I am dedicated to empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of their supply chain and logistics through digital transformation. By focusing on strategic consulting, meticulous process optimization, and cutting-edge technology integration, I strive to pave the path for your operational excellence and sustainable growth. -> For a deeper dive, please visit my website: www.beecon.digital 🌐 And of course, feel free to get in touch with me!

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