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I believe in change ✨ I have a Ph.D. in education with a focus on inclusive experiential education, learning development and democratic educational leadership from the Schulich School of Education in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Nipissing University. My research has been published in peer-reviewed journals in Canada and the US, such as Dialogic Pedagogy, i.e.: inquiry in education, Contemporary Education Dialogue, International Journal of Education and the Arts, and Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. My recent research project under the leadership of Dr. Eugene Matusov and Dr. Mark Smith was on ChatGPT and its dialogical potential to think/write like a human being and a co-author (published in a peer-reviewed journal Culture & Psychology). My current specialization is AI and Data as well as AI in Education including mixed methods research on the educational, imaginative and professional possibilities of LLMs in a sociocultural context of student-centered experiential, immersive learning and educational leadership. My proudest accomplishments include: ✦ Designed and taught 10+ interdisciplinary courses on academic leadership, cultural diversity, social justice and professional development. Students rated instruction over 90% of learning satisfaction with my educational leadership ✦ Published 14+ peer-reviewed research articles on learning, leadership, and more recently on new innovative approaches to training and learning with LLMs, such as ChatGPT4, to think dialogically leading to exceptional accomplishments in the field of human-AI interaction, peer-reviewed research publications and conference proceedings ✦ Managed multifunctional teams for Dialogic Pedagogy as Deputy Editor-in-Chief ✦ Received a multi-year, renewable grant as a principal investigator for mixed method social sciences research ✦ Coordinated multidisciplinary work-integrated learning programs (10 + programs in IT, Cybersecurity, HR, Business, Project Management, etc) for more than 300 students per term. Developed innovative professional development training with a focus on skills, leadership competencies and career readiness My passion is curating experiential and immersive learner-centered educational ecosystems in which all individuals can become the authors of their own success stories and change the world Dialogue is at the heart of my work. Connect with me, join the conversation! ✨

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