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Olivia Sears's Linkedin Analytics

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Olivia Sears

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Dedicated and passionate account management team leader and client service champion thriving in fast-paced, dynamic environments. I excel in empowering teams while fostering meaningful client relationships, leveraging these connections to drive business growth. As a client service leader, I prioritize authenticity and empathy, anchoring my approach in building and guiding high-performing, growth-oriented teams. With close to a decade of experience in strategic planning, media buying, and project management within advertising agencies, my trajectory led me to an exhilarating pivot into ad tech and mobile marketing in 2018. Over the past six years, I've championed client relationships and drove record growth in mobile user acquisition and retargeting campaigns for US accounts. In 2022, my wife and I co-founded BuzzCutt, a pioneering brand and national app dedicated to promoting access to non-alcoholic drinks at bars and restaurants. BuzzCutt eliminates the uncertainty of enjoying a night out with friends by showcasing nearby venues that serve N/A brands. Regardless of the reason for choosing not to drink, BuzzCutt empowers users to confidently be out and order without hesitation. Discover more about BuzzCutt at www.linktree.com/buzzcuttco

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