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Omar Dirow

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Biomedical science Graduate from Brunel University of London🎓 ⚽️Semi-Pro footballer - Had the pleasure of playing in tournaments abroad in countries like 🇨🇦, 🇮🇹 and 🇳🇱 Owner of a Sunday league club with 2 of my friends that has seen 45 different players take part with the age groups ranging from 16-27 #wembleyrangers 🔵 Huge Arsenal fan #COYG 🔴⚪️ Love traveling ✈️ Took part in multiple charity initiatives one of which raised £150,000 in one month for people in East Africa and Yemen🎗 I do aim to learn a few coding languages soon because why not? 👨🏾‍💻 That's just a little bit about me, I would love to connect and learn some things about you! However, if you would like to learn about Similarweb, please get in touch with me! Email: Omar.dirow@Similarweb.com Telephone: +442037648518

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