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Ong Si Ying 王思颖's Linkedin Analytics

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Hi there, thanks for stopping by to browse through my profile! Currently pursuing the CFA program and having obtained a degree in Information Systems from the Singapore Management University, I am actively seeking opportunities in the capital markets arena - in particularly fund management, sales and quantitative trading. As lifelong learning is a virtue, I am constantly seeking ways to improve on my hard skills (Finance, Accounting and Technology) and soft skills (Project management, Interpersonal and Communication skills). I am also passionate in researching on investment and trading strategies, as well as catching up on the latest technological trends. I strongly believe in upholding commitment (be it towards work or relationships) and giving my best effort to the tasks assigned to me. My favorite quote from Thomas Edison is, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."​ Please feel free to drop me a message at [email protected] if there is anything I can assist you with! :)

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