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Orsolya Cypert's Linkedin Analytics

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Orsolya Cypert

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I am a seasoned Strategic Product Manager with over a decade of experience driving innovative, data-driven, and user-centric product development in the cloud, SaaS, enterprise, and ML/AI domains. Throughout my career, I have consistently leveraged cutting-edge technologies to create impactful solutions that promote efficiency, growth, and user satisfaction. My strong background in defining product vision, strategy, and roadmaps has enabled me to align business objectives with product development, driving enormous growth and optimizing impact. I am skilled in collaborating with cross-functional teams, managing resources effectively, and fostering values-aligned, high-performing environments. As an empathetic and empowering leader, I am passionate about championing a global user-centric approach, utilizing data analytics and user feedback to make informed decisions, and continuously improving products to meet the diverse needs of users worldwide. I believe in putting people before company growth, and I have brought teams together to achieve tremendous success by focusing on talent retention and long-term development. My expertise in leveraging ML/AI technologies to accelerate human-to-human connectivity, combined with my strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail, allows me to drive innovation and optimize operational product management and development processes. I am always eager to take on new challenges and contribute to mission-driven organizations that make a positive impact on the world. If you'd like to connect and discuss potential opportunities or collaborate on exciting projects, please feel free to reach out! Core Qualifications - Expertise in cloud infrastructure, AI/ML, RPA, data analytics, and cybersecurity - Skilled in defining product vision and strategy, conducting market research, and gathering user feedback - Strong leadership skills in cross-functional collaboration, stakeholder management, and team development

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