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Pat Ahern

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👋 Quick intro: I'm the head of Intergrowth. We help underdogs upset industry leaders via SEO-centric content marketing. More about us here: https://bit.ly/why-intergrowth-pdf 📈 We bootstrapped 2-> 40 ppl in 5 yrs by focusing on hiring the right people + and building a process-driven service that drives results every time 💬 Contact us here if you'd like to learn more: https://intergrowth.com/estimator/ ✍️ I systematize secrets to create 10x content & simplify SEO/content marketing concepts. Find my best insights here: https://www.patahern.com/start-here/ Outside of work, I love travel, music, sports and craft beer, and am always eager to meet people who share the same interests. 🇺🇸 in 🇸🇪

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