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Panagiotis Kamasia's Linkedin Analytics

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Panagiotis Kamasia

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Panagiotis has many years of experience in the field of Marketing and Advertising by creating, planning, and implementing complete and highly targeted marketing campaigns. He is highly experienced in graphic design, online marketing, and multimedia. Panagiotis's skills expand to include web design and social media expertise. He is a certified instructor of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as InDesign. Currently, he is the Owner and Managing Director at Infinity Social Media Services and Co-founder of Symmetrix Ltd, where he is in charge of a large portfolio of companies, including organizing one of the biggest sports events in Cyprus, the Legion Run. Below are in bullet points some of the areas of expertise: - Online Marketing
 - Online Advertising - Social Media Strategies - Social Media Monitoring 
 - Custom Mobile Applications - Email marketing - Content Development - Google Ad Words  - Graphics & Advertising Designs - Web Design
 - Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Quark Xpress
 - Photography

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