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Patrick Seuffert

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Playing soccer on the highest level throughout my youth (since age 11) taught me a lot about commitment, pressure, discipline, humility and, most importantly, teamwork and collaborative effort. Today, I look back on many domestic and international experiences in high-stress, fast-paced, and team-oriented working environments. These traits have certainly helped me along my pursuit of a career in finance. Currently, I am helping a FinTech start-up providing investment research and education while pursuing an M.B.A with a finance concentration. I am also actively involved within Adelphi University’s Willumstad School of Business, where I support two professors as graduate assistant (Finance; Decision Sciences). Lastly, I am part of the coaching staff of Adelphi’s nationally-ranked men’s soccer team participating in the NCAA. Outside of these commitments, I like to travel (27 countries and counting), volunteer (mostly mentoring and coaching teenagers, but also some experiences in the start-up world), scuba-dive and play soccer from time to time (NY Greek Americans).

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