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Pauline Cheyrouze's Linkedin Analytics

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Pauline Cheyrouze

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Darlow France is much more than a company, it is a story of courage, perseverance and passion. I have undergone no less than 21 surgeries, overcoming obstacles that most of us can't even imagine. Yet, this has not stopped me from pursuing my dreams. My original ambition was to become a professional dancer. However, an injury forced me to change my path. Six months later, I started my own business. Since then, I've expanded my business to include web and business coaching, offering a turnkey solution to executives and solopreneurs. But the story doesn't end there. Recently, I learned that I will be facing a new health challenge for the rest of my life. However, rather than let it get me down, I decided to face this new challenge with the same determination that led me to found Darlow France. It is this resilience and passion for entrepreneurship that has led Darlow France to become the successful company it is today. I've been called inspirational, so it's no wonder Darlow France is a force to be reckoned with in the business market. Are you an executive of a medium/large company? Truffle Signature Offer - Business coaching (every 3 months) - Website redesign - Website maintenance - SEO - Monthly photo shoots (internal, external, team events etc.) Are you a solopreneur? Al Dente Success Pack - Business coaching during 6 months to: your vision, help you to set up action plans, see your marketing strategy, increase your turnover, not be alone etc. - Website creation/redesign - Website maintenance - SEO - Realization of your photos (products, events, portraits) every 3 months so that you have content to share on your networks, for your communication

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