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Pavithren V S Pakianathan

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"We shape technology; thereafter it shapes us." As a Design Technologist, I use my Technical x Design research skills to empathize with my users while solving problems. I possess a wide experience in working on cross-disciplinary projects with members from different cultural, educational, professional backgrounds and as such I'm a strong proponent of diverse teams. As a teen, I was curious about how computers worked, and overtime my focus has been gradually shifted towards humanizing technology. I am a PhD candidate at Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention. My research is focused on building human-centered digital health platforms by understanding the pain points of medical practitioners and researchers. In my last role as a research associate at Telehealth Core at the school of public health in NUS, I worked closely with patients, clinicians and engineers to digitally transform healthcare using design and user research and also led with the migration of a digital health platform. Previously, as an AWS and GCP certified Cloud Architect at Hitachi, I worked with customers to design, migrate and implement cloud solutions and maintain enterprise systems. During my Undergraduate at SUTD, I majored in Human Computer interaction and thereafter for my masters research, I focussed on socio-technical aspects of digital privacy and cybersecurity for older adults. I was also selected to be part of the pioneer batch of overseas exchange students from SUTD to be sent to KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. While at Temasek Polytechnic, I received the Silver medal for my Diploma program and was part of the school's WorldSkills team. I grateful to have been awarded full scholarships by SG govt. agencies namely EDB, MOE and IMDA, to pursue my undergraduate and postgraduate education at SUTD. Things I care about: usable systems, technology for good, digital literacy, bridging digital divide, inclusive design, accessibility and sustainability. Research Areas: Socio-Technical Systems, Human-Computer Interaction and Digital Accessibility Favourite Quote: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Gandhi Personal Motto: Carpe Diem Singaporean | 🇸🇬 More info about me can be found @ http://www.pavithren.com/ Passionate about Universal Design? Join our Telegram group here: https://t.me/universaldesignsg

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