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Pavitra Mundhra's Linkedin Analytics

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Pavitra Mundhra

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I have been a part of Outright Solutions pvt. ltd. since its inception , following is a brief of my stint with Outright solutions : SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Increased market share by successfully launching the website designing and development process. • Generated additional revenue by heading the website designing and development process. • Played a key role in team sales presentations which led to acquiring large contracts with major clients of Australia and New Zealand • Contributed to company’s overall success and revenue growth. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT • Ensure smooth operations by proper job assignment and delegation of authority and responsibility. • Manage the team of Designers, Developers, SEOs , SMOs, Content writers , Web consultants , and Customer Care Executives working on very big projects of “Website designing and Development”.. • Select, interview and recruit new employess and orient them on company’s policies and quality control standards related to all type of BPO processes. • Conduct skype meetings, discussing project progress with team members and troubleshoot and resolve any issues/problems impeding smooth workflow or project deadlines. • Determine yearly price increases and profit margins for web products by evaluating competitive pricing structures and market acceptance for price increases. TECHNICAL SALES TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT • Simplify technical procedures and standardize training materials; provide product knowledge training to all new recruits, including all account executives to keep them inform of new product development, product launches, technical requirements and specifications. • Maintain a high degree of morale and efficiency by providing ongoing support and motivation to back office team members and the sales force.

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