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Pradeep Bohra

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Engineer at heart. Passionate Coder. Meticulous planner. Challenging the status quo. Continuous learner. Quality obsessed. UX over engineering mindset. Focussed on architecting, designing and developing software products from scratch. Led teams of full stack engineers, mobile developers and devops engineers to deliver platforms from conception to GA phase. Delivered risky and challenging projects by using cutting edge technologies at production scale. Started career with Mobile Platforms, then transitioned into seasoned full stack engineer, currently working on devops stack and also exploring Big Data technologies. Strong computer science fundamentals on data structures and algorithms, operating system concepts, ooad , uml, software design principles, paradigm and patterns. Experience on system level design and event driven reactive architectures. Excellent and consistent academic track record topping Universities and schools. Open source enthusiast and Active speaker in leading technology conferences, hackathons and internal guilds. Technology Stack: 1. DevOps : Terraform , Vagrant, Packer, AWS , Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Linux, Prometheus, Grafana, Shell, SonarQube, JFrog, ELK and TICK. 2. Big Data: Kafka, Cassandra, Mongo, Hadoop, Spark, Storm, Zookeeper. 3. Full Stack : a. Backend Threaded - Java, Rx Java, Python, HTTPD, Tomcat, Spring MVC, Maven, TestNG, JMockit, Hibernate, ActiveMQ, SQL2O, Log4J, SL4J, Ning, Jackson, SAX, DOM, Quartz, Guava, Img4J, Unix4J, JAX- RS, Pusher, C3P0, Lombok, JODA Time, Flyway, Commons, Java Mail, JavaX Validation, Jasper Reports, POI, Camunda, Twillio. b. Backend Reactive - Rx Java, Scala, Play, Akka , Netty, SBT, VertX, Atmosphere, Thirft c. Micro services - Zuul,Eureka,Ribbon,Hystrix, CQRS, Spring boot,Kong, JWT, Stubs, gRPC, Chaos Monkey. d. Frontend - HTML 5, CSS3, JS, Jasmine, Velocity, Tiles, LokiJS,TagLib, SaSS and Jquery e. Data - Postgres, Redis, MySQL, MemSQL 4. Mobile : Android, iOS, Samsung Azu Platform, LG WISE, Mediatek.

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