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Pedro Eugênio

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Growth | Marketing & Sales Strategy | Product | Go-to-Market | Growth Mentor After 10 years of job market, I look for to be present in companies that make the difference in the world market and where my skills can yes make the difference. With more than 4 years of experience in Marketing Planning and Digital Communication, I worked with accounts from various segments such as government, education, retail, food, import, children, technology and simultaneous translation. Specialization in marketing analysis by the University of California - Berkeley, working on the development of strategies for Leads, branding, positioning and measurement of marketing results. Extremely hard working, intrinsically motivated, and enthusiastic, but operate with a deep sense of humility and gratitude. Some career highlights: • In 2008: When I was only 15, it was the beginning of everything, I started to work as an intern in computer maintenance, learning everything about Windows, Mac OS, hardware and software. • In 2012: With an opportunity to develop faster in the market, I decided to do an internship in Europe, to develop my writing and speaking skills in English, living with people from different countries on a cruise ship. incredible experience and learning. • In 2014: With more experience in sales and communication, I decided with some partners to open my company, to meet the need of the market, and to develop web products and digital solutions. • In 2018: With a large baggage in digital marketing and advertising, I always seek to be in my maximum performance, to better execute the solutions for my clients that work all over Brazil. • In 2020: Consolidated my career in Growth Marketing and Business, focusing on the pirate funnel and process management guided by PLG. I seek to teach and direct people to the Growth vision and always guide my projects to growth. Day by day, I usually help people with tips and bring them to the focus of your ideal, trying to pursue the path of your dreams and personal development. •Email: [email protected] •Telegram: +55 12 988654342

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