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Perry Papast's Linkedin Analytics

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For over two decades, I helped companies achieve multi-million dollars in sales, and two were acquired for their ($B) recurring sales and clients. Then, in 2017, I lost focus. So, I decided to walk away from my high-paying executive Sales Director job. But, before I could, I had a realization. I believed building a sales practice would be an incredible asset. The expertise I’d built over two decades was far more valuable to people that found sales difficult, daunting or those that just hate sales. I wanted to show the simple side of sales that works. So, I started building the sales practice in mid 2017. And the results were very encouraging. In just 6 months I acquired 4 clients from nothing, and I was an unknown outside of my “job”. And on 1st December 2017, I walked away from my executive role at a fast-growing startup. Since that day, I've spent my time building a sales practice that companies can use to scale their own sales. My mission is to be the "Virtual Sales Coach" My results: → $270M in pipeline created by clients and students → $110M+ of sales won by clients and their sales people → BDM efficiency improvements from 50+ hr weeks to 2 hrs / day of specific results and wins → 1 win per day for every Business Development Manager and Sales Person that’s worked with me If you want help to close your Sales Deals: 1- Click here (or paste url) to check if you're right for this: → GO HERE: https://calendly.com/perrypapast/discuss-sales or 2- You have lots of time and just want some simple tactics & resources to DIY: → GO HERE: https://www.perrypapast.com/blog Email: [email protected] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@perrypapast/

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