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Peter van Grinsven's Linkedin Analytics

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Peter van Grinsven

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After receiving his Master's Degree in International Management from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, Peter went on to work for PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), specializing in digital transformation. This has been his passion, ever since. Over the past 25 years, Peter has built up a strong background in digital consulting and outsourcing with his company Connaxis. Peter wants to play an active part in the improvements that digital transformation brings and make a genuine contribution. Connaxis creates magical new experiences for clients around the world. Specialties: Digital products, Digital Transformation, Innovation Connaxis: Make it Real | Make it Digital Connaxis is a digital consulting company, providing custom solutions to clients around the world. Our core business units—Agency, Products and Outsourcing—work together to bring a unique synergy to each project. We keep our customers relevant and competitive.

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