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Philip Gault

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Managing Partner, Customer Success at XP Group. At XP, our journey in the digital landscape is deeply rooted in our "Green by Design" ethos. This philosophy not only shapes our approach to technology and innovation but also ensures a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices in every venture. We are advocates of sustainable and ethical innovation in the digital world, committed to delivering excellence in technology, while upholding the highest standards of environmental and ethical responsibility. Our approach is a testament to our belief that the future of technology is not just about advancement but about advancing responsibly. GET IN TOUCH - Feel free to message me on LinkedIn or email direct - [email protected] Back in 2013 I founded ProSport Global, a Sports Consultancy providing Commercial Consulting, Fan Engagement, Recruitment and supply of kit and equipment to the professional sports market having previously set up Gault & Partners Ltd, a boutique search and recruitment practice operating in the Oil, Gas, Energy & Construction markets. My early career was spent working for a major international search firms, PSD and Neumann International, where I was responsible for delivering cross border mandates within the Oil & Gas, Energy, Mining, Retail, Sport, Pharma and manufacturing industries. Outside of work I enjoy participating in sport (football mainly) and helping coach and support my two sons in all that they do. Enjoy socialising and meeting new people.

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