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Phyllis Quinlan, PhD, RN Executive Coach Personal Coach's Linkedin Analytics

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Founded in 1994, MFW Consultants specializes in the following: ● Fostering healthy work environments for healthcare organizations and their staff ● Addressing Post-COVID stress related to their staff’s COVID-response and experience ● Improving team motivation and staff engagement ● Helping professional and family caregivers experiencing burnout, compassion fatigue, or trying to improve their work-life balance My Qualifications ● 20-years of experience as an executive, certified career, and life coach. ● Immense experience working with a diverse array and variety of personal and corporate clients. ● Expert in the principles of emotional intelligence applied positive psychology, and appreciative inquiry to address blind spots and issues creating obstacles to personal and professional success. ● Decades of experience helping healthcare leaders understand and effectively manage bullying & incivility in the healthcare workplace. ● Nurse consultant and expert witness for legal cases ● Career coach for the Association of Perioperative Nurses/AORN and ANA-New York State. ● A published author, business influencer, and Executive Coach to healthcare organizations ● Keynote/plenary speaker and lecturer offering virtual or live training and seminars nationally The Benefits of Having A Personal Coach: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dRAYXpOVSkA&ab_channel=PhyllisS.Quinlan%2CPhD%2CRN%2CNPD-BC SCHEDULE A MEETING: calendly.com/executivecoachq

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