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Pilar Fernandez Hermida

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International Go-to-Market expert with 20+ years of experience launching sales & partner ecosystem strategies. Founder of i-Expand, a commercial strategy advisory firm focused on assisting Health & Tech companies go to market faster and with less risk and cost. The company has also created the Healthcare Go-to-Market Academy© to help companies translate their product into viable businesses. To date, 450+ companies have adopted this market-proof framework in partnership with venture-builders, accelerators and academia. This programme planted the seeds of her upcoming book: Cash or Crash: How to launch a Digital Health business. Successfully (out in 2024). Board Member Digital Health and Care Alliance (DHACA). Mentor at IVMS (Imperial College). In-residence GTM Expert @ several accelerators. Angel investor & mentor. Non-executive Board member. 9 Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Dutch, German and Russian. Good at "connecting the dots" and launching innovative revenue-generating business models (both platforms and pipeline businesses). Want to know more? BIGGER BIO During her career, Pilar has covered all market segments and verticals, partner types and geographies, with a special focus in the Health and Tech sectors. She was part of the global leadership teams of companies such as Cisco and Wolters Kluwer and has worked across 6 continents bringing new solutions to market. A passionate believer in innovation, Pilar has assisted  hundreds of client organizations and government institutions around the globe to leverage technology to achieve their goals. As part of her accomplishments she has led delegations to the UN/WHO and standardized digital health solutions at national level. As a personal contributor or team lead, she has achieved double-digit growth Y/Y and helped raised $350M in funds. EDUCATION & CREDENTIALS Degree in Translation and Interpreting. Distinction. University of Vigo (Spain) Degree in International Relations, First Class. U. of Westminster (UK) / Notre Dame de la Paix (Belgium). Diploma Stanford University (Stanford Advanced Program Management). Dozens of courses in sales, technology, science. Fluent in 9 languages. You can reach me at: [email protected]. Twitter @iexpandglobal

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