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Prachi Sinha's Linkedin Analytics

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Prachi Sinha

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So my posts finally led you to my profile!!☺️ Welcome! My name is Prachi and I have many stories to tell you that I keep posting on Linkedin, but today I want to share something that has been a turning point in my life -- In May 2022, we moved to London, UK 🇬🇧 from Delhi, India 🇮🇳 Our initial months in the UK were interesting, but sometimes stressful, as we were figuring everything out by ourselves. Moving to a new country can get overwhelming, BUT we have been there, DONE that!! If you too have been thinking to move to the UK but do not have the right guidance, consider booking a free call with me using the link in my bio. ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you need a storyteller to build your brand, let's chat. Looking forward to hearing from you! Sending warmth from chilly winters of London 🤗 Regards, Prachi ❤️

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