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At Upekkha, we work with B2B SaaS startups to get you through the valley of death, to a place with predictable, scalable, profitable growth. Whether you want to build a $10M revenue business, or the next $1B SaaS unicorn, we help you accelerate. Apply to our next cohort bit.ly/UpekkhaApply Creator: Co-Created a scalable structured framework for startups to accelerate growth predictably, scalably, profitably. Operator: Worked intensely with 120+ startups to make them LARGE at Microsoft Accelerator India. Picker: Picked the right startups for Investors & Microsoft. Coach: As a founder going through my ups & downs, I help other founders push through Investor: Angel Invested in a couple of startups along the way. Not doing this anymore. With every startup, I help as a full-stack growth driver: from biz planning for growth, frameworks for growth, aligning engineering for traction, innovating on product, marketing & sales plans to tactically crafting pitches & one-liners, & reviewing ads. Growing startups is everything I look to do. In my own startups, I've done everything that needed to get done - development, testing, support, product management, sales, marketing, customer interaction, integration. I know a little about a lot of things - technical and non-technical. I know a lot about a few things - technology, growth, product, and the difficulties of starting up. I have good analytical and trouble-shooting skills. I've used these skills successfully to both debug complex system issues and deal with product, marketing, and sales. I have good communication skills, and I have the patience to listen to people to understand what they say and want. I've used that in creating products and marketing products. Specialties: Product.*, Growth.*, Stakeholder development, Structured Growth for startups, Founder coaching.

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