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Priya Mistry's Linkedin Analytics

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Priya Mistry

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Seasoned Public Relations Professional with a passion for the nuanced intersections of fashion, lifestyle, luxury, and sustainability. Over 5 years I've mastered the art of budget management, meticulously planning and executing strategies that resonate with my clients. With wearing many hats, I thrive on propelling companies forward. My focus extends beyond mere PR – I'm dedicated to fostering growth, cultivating relationships with key industry stakeholders, and steering brands toward lasting success. With a Master's degree in Fashion Management and Luxury Merchandising from Mod'Art International Paris, I have a strong academic background and a global perspective on the industry. I have also developed skills in social media strategy, content creation, and events management, which I applied in my previous roles as Integrated Marketing Specialist, Brand Consultant and an Associate Consultant at id8 Media Solutions. My goal is to continue learning and growing in the retail, lifestyle and sustainability industry, and to play a prominent role in the changing landscape of fashion and luxury. Let's connect and explore how my multifaceted expertise can elevate your brand's narrative and impact.

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