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James Pereira

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📚 Background Information Producing Profitable People simply means every employee has to produce more than the value of their compensation. They all have to have a positive ROI. Every year. You do this by practicing the principles of the 5Rights Wheel™ : ✅ Employing the Right Person ✅ Providing the Right Training ✅ Driving the Right Performance ✅ Ensuring the Right Coaching ✅ Developing the Right Rewards As this is dynamic, you need to keep tweaking it. ♻️ 🎯 What We Do For Executive Leaders, we undertake Executive Coaching over a 6-month to 12-month period to ensure selected behaviors are transformed as recognized and acknowledged by their Stakeholders. For Leadership Development we train your leaders on the essence of being a Great Leader and help you enhance your 5Rights Wheel™ and create a Coaching Culture among all leaders, where coaching becomes a habit and is internalized. For Sales Management, the core of the Leadership Development program is expanded to include skills specific to sales management in the pharmaceutical and medical device segments. 🚀 How We Do It Our Executive Coaching is based on the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching system. 📍Management identifies an Executive Leader whose transformation will impact the results the most. Their Stakeholders are identified and they provide on behaviors that need to be transformed. 📍The Leader selects the behavior to work on, in consultation with their superior. 📍Every month the Leader seeks feedback and FeedForward from the stakeholders and the process is repeated over 6 to 12 months. 📍Every month the Coach engages the Leader to evaluate progress and overcome hurdles. 📍At the final month, the Stakeholders measure the transformation. Our Stakeholder Centered Coaching system emphasizes Feedforward more than feedback, making it less threatening for the leader. 👣 Your Next Step If you're a Pharmaceutical or Medical Device Leader who wants to transform an Executive Leader or boost your team's performance, let's connect. Whether or not we work together, I’m confident that a 15-minute conversation will bring you great value and deeper insights. Schedule an appointment here - https://calendly.com/loud-lion/scc-linkedin-discussion or DM me to start a conversation. 📞 Contact Information ☎️ +1-302-257-2233 ☎️ +603 - 8659-7372 📧 [email protected]

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