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Purichmun Low

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I help corporate gain strategic benefits through Startups using a standardized venture client model. Outside of the realm of my work/study I was involved in various hackathons attempting to realize a product from an idea. From the invaluable experiences, I have acquired skills and knowledge outside of the engineering domain such as creating MVP, identifying market trends, beachhead market, performing competitor analysis, project management, networking, data preparation and presentation. I thrive on acquiring a deep understanding of project requirements, stakeholder needs and prioritize safety and quality assurance alongside innovation, creativity and commercial viability. A multi lingual in 4 different languages with an engaging personality and a true passion for my trade, I enjoy keeping abreast of the latest aerospace innovations, innovative technologies and collaborating with like-minded individuals to discuss and progress ideas. I possess a strategic mindset and commercial acumen with the communication skills to foster teamwork and cohesion. I have a strong focus on objectives-realization and welcome new challenges. *Key and core Competences: - Mechanical Engineering - Deep tech - Communication and Negotiation - Multi-lingual - Flexibility and Adaptability - Innovation and Creativity - Teamwork & Collaboration - Complex Problem Solving - Organized & Methodical - Entrepreneurship - Business Development - Project Management Please contact me via this platform or at my email to find out how I might contribute and add value to your organization. [email protected]

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