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As a first-generation entrepreneur, I am a firm believer in Luck. I always thought every time I put in some smart work, luck followed. Now I have realized at iPOTT we have created luck. The hardest kind of luck, where you build a unique character, a unique mindset, which causes luck to find you, so very grateful. In Nov 2019 launched iPOTT Martech (Marketing Technology) services, providing Knowledge & Advisory Services. The services include innovative strategies to market in the Digital World. We work with a philosophy that #DigitalMarketingIsDead. Before that bootstrapped a consultancy firm 16 years ago to help companies select the right software. The consultancy firm analyzed digitization needs, selected the software suitable for the new setup or existing setup, evaluated the software to be procured, and implemented the chosen software. Over the years, our focus & specialization was around enterprise & financial applications. In 2009 iPOTT portal was launched a unique, unbiased platform for software product companies worldwide to reach their target markets. The portal offered offline & online go-to-market strategies. Some of the popular and noted services included ‘software on wheels,’ ‘snail mail,’ ‘ad-apt’, etc. In 2011 iPOTT launched a knowledge management wing to handle Intellectual property-related services like Trademark, Copyright and Patent, etc. for the software companies. In 2014 iPOTT launched “end-to-end Asset Management service”. iPOTT consolidated the Enterprise Application expertise to focus on a niche vertical Enterprise Asset management. iPOTT entered into an agreement with Infor for the Implementation of its Enterprise Asset Management. In 2017 iPOTT as a company revalidated all its service offerings. Taking advantage of the learning over years, some services were killed, some modified, and some new ones devised. iPOTT strategically moved all the service offerings online. The revamping and relaunch of knowledge & advisory services commenced in 2018.

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