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Raam Venkatesan

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ALL posts are my personal opinion Only. • Activist in diversity and inclusion, global environment, fairness and equality • >15 years of practical ambidexterous business development. • Focus on enterprise private networks, mobile edge networks, OpenRAN and AI/IoT strategy and business models and partnerships for last 4 years. • Strong Motivational, problem-solving, analytical and communication skills in multiplle languages and believer in teamwork, critical thinking and conflict resolution A Multilingual and multicultural executive, I help CxOs/boards develop capabilities to: • Become a practical "ambidextrous" organization: EXPLOITING existing business growth while EXPLORING and scaling new business/innovations/disruptive innovations • Develop and manage strategic partnerships for building and managing new ecosystems and joint GoToMarket(GTM) • Develop digital transformation capabilities for accelerating insights with critical thinking, deep business analysis for commercialization and scaling • Innovate and execute "Ambidexterity" through corporate venturing, customer development (Jobs to be Done), and market insights. • Create strategy on how, if & when & which business model to switch to, by building a playbook of new digital/cognitive business models, using insights, foresights, finance planning and sales management 25 years experience in • Building an ambidextrous organization(15+), business model transformation, business innovation, corporate strategy, corporate venturing, and scaling new business, • Digital transformation, profit and loss management, Commercialization, Product management, sales and marketing • Startup collaboration, Strategic Partnerships, and customer development • Product development in ICT, IT and OT towards verticals like Healthcare, Manufacturing and Automotive Curiosity to learn everyday helped me gain engineering, technology and product management, and architecture expertise in • Telco., Internet of Things(IoT), Industry 4.0 (I4.0, IIOT)/VR/AR, Sensors with Data Analytics • Virtualization of Networks: SDN/NFV, CDN, big data, cloud computing • 5G, LTE/GPRS/GSM/USSD, OSS/BSS, CRM, O&M and billing • IMS architecture including CSCF, MGCF, MRCF, PCRF, MgW. • Internet architecture: HIP, IP/IPv6, MPLS, OSPF, BGP, SNMP, O&M etc. • Security: IP Network security, DiD architectures, managed network security • Artificial Neural Networks & AI learning algorithms (Markov, Kohonen/Grossberg, SoM) • Real-time Voice recognition and translation including different services Free time Spent with Family, Cooking and Music

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