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Rafael Brito's Linkedin Analytics

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Rafael Brito

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Professional with more than 12 years of experience in marketing and sales, specialist in understanding the needs, problems and behaviors of those who buy/access the product or service in order to leverage results, whether Demand Generation, Leads, MQL, PQL, MRR or whatever makes sense for business. Areas in which I have experience within marketing and sales: Strategic and tactical planning, Data analysis and Marketing and Sales funnel. Demand generation and Leads by Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing, SEO, Paid Media, Events and Branding strategies, definition of SLA between mkt and sales. My experiences in the areas of Team Management and leadership include: Feedback and training routine, PDI development, Budget and P&L management of the area, KPIs control (CAC, LTV, ROI, NMRR, MQL) and reports to C-Levels and use of the PDCA and Scrum methodology. I also have experience in the areas of Outbound, Customer Success, PR and Agency Management

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