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Roman Raisuddin Khan

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roman@peak21.io www.peak21.io I've spent the last 10 years - building, operating and scaling eCommerce companies. Jennifer Chong and I started Linjer out of living room with $20,000 in savings. We hit $1m of EBIT in 2017 and spent it all on acquiring 40 to 60% stakes in other D2C companies when they were <$1m in annual revenue. Our current portfolio of D2C companies does more than 9 figures in sales per year, profitably and we did it all without raising any external capital. I now act as a fractional CMO across our portfolio companies. In 2021 we decided to take on external funding to rollup additional D2C brands of larger scale ($5m to $50m in sales). Our investors include: Chris Burch, Integrated Capital (Yam family that owns Forbes), Kaya.vc and Nordic Eye. Please email me if you're looking for a job in eCommerce or if you're thinking of selling your D2C business.

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