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Rashid Hameed

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I am Serial Entrepreneur and Business Consultant with a passion for leading teams and driving innovation. With experience in strategic decision making, team leadership, pre-sales, and operations engineering, I have successfully led small and medium teams on numerous projects across several industries including telecom, healthcare, and research and development. As a business consultant and mentor, I have helped first-time entrepreneurs and business owners turn their ideas into successful ventures. With over five years of experience as a Project Manager, I have successfully executed multiple medium to large projects, ensuring their timely completion and budget management. In my commitment to continuous learning and growth, I still take on small IOT and AI/ML-related projects, and provide project management consultancy to various customers in healthcare and manufacturing industries. Currently, I lead a team of highly talented individuals at XpertFlow Technologies Pte. Ltd. in Singapore and xDatalabs Pvt. Ltd. in Islamabad. Together, we develop and implement Deep Tech solutions that revolutionize the healthcare industry, focusing on addressing the longstanding problems faced by patients, providers, and payers. With my years of experience and skilled leadership, I am committed to driving innovation, challenging the status quo, and delivering impactful and sustainable solutions. If you're looking for a passionate and driven leader to help take your business to the next level, let's connect!

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