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Rashin P

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As a Python Developer at ALTOS Technologies, I completed an extensive one-year training program covering Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JS, and MySQL. I applied and demonstrated strong problem-solving skills in diverse web development projects, showcasing adaptability and self-learning. I also successfully navigated solo project environments, delivering quality results within specified timelines. I emphasized attention to detail as a key aspect of reliable web development, and actively engaged in continuous learning, staying updated on industry trends and integrating new tools and methodologies into my training projects. I hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Application from C-DIT and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Kannur University. I have acquired multiple skills in web scraping, responsive web design, and Tkinter through my education and training. I am passionate about creating innovative and dynamic web applications using Python and Django, and I am ready to contribute my technical expertise and creativity to challenging and exciting projects. I value collaboration, communication, and feedback, and I aim to deliver value and satisfaction to clients and users.

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