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I am a seasoned growth professional with over 10 years of experience in the B2B SaaS industry. With a strong background in management, SEO, marketing, analytics, and product management, I have a proven track record of scaling startups and driving revenue growth. Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to developing innovative growth strategies that align with business goals and drive customer acquisition. I have a deep understanding of customer behavior and use data-driven insights to optimize conversion rates and increase retention. As Head of Growth at Donorbox, I have led a team of growth marketers, SEO experts, content marketers, engineers, and product managers, overseeing all aspects of customer acquisition, retention, and monetization. I have successfully launched new products, expanded into new markets, and driven significant revenue growth for the company. Prior to Donorbox, I held leadership positions at several other B2B SaaS startups, where I developed and executed growth strategies that resulted in rapid customer acquisition and revenue growth.

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