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Razii Abraham

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Experienced product management professional with a proven track record of successfully launching and managing a diverse range of digital products across various industries. With over 6 years of experience in a software house, unicorn company, Series B, and pre-seed startups, I have honed my skills in product strategy, development, and execution. My portfolio includes mobile ordering systems, loyalty engines, media asset management, telehealth solutions, logistics delivery services, marketplaces, edutech apps, AI-powered chatbots, Web3 casual gaming, and peer-to-peer lending. I have a passion for leveraging technology to create innovative solutions that drive business growth and enhance user experiences. Currently, I am seeking a more specialized role as an AI Product Manager at AI-focused companies where I can further deepen my expertise in artificial intelligence and contribute to cutting-edge product development. Let's connect and explore how my skills and experience can bring value to your team.

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