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Reena Jha

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💖 I am Your 'Ikigai' Executive Coach'. Sounds fascinating? Continue reading for more. ☀️In a nutshell my approach to coaching my clients is devised from the basic principles of 'Ikigai', a very well-known ancient Japanese concept of living life well. ‘iki’ means life and ‘gai’ means value/worth, essentially meaning what is the value in living, value in doing, & value in working. In essence, it is ‘Purpose in Action’. 🔷 I have a few questions and a lot more when we connect, important to explore what is the pain point for You. Are you always distracted? Do you spend time procrastinating? Do you go through decision fatigue? Do you desperately wait for Friday to arrive in the week? Would you like to have more control over your career and life? Do you often have to do selective listening because it is just too much to focus on at any given time? 🔷 We live in a pervasive and persuasive digital era where most of us are perpetually perturbed, but not productive. A wealth of information is at the tip of our fingers, yet we don’t know how to synthesise it in our favour. It almost appears like we are suffering from the abundance of technology we have in modern times. This is mainly because we don’t know how to optimise the abundance to our benefit. 🔷We know that we should eat healthily, stay fit, sleep well etc. who doesn’t know that? Most people do, however, knowing isn't enough. ☀️Does any of this intrigues you to know more about my process? ➡️A bit more about me - I am an accredited Executive Coach and also a qualified Business Psychologist. A British Indian, who grew up in India, and lived in London for over a decade. My Coaching practice is informed and influenced by the underpinnings of research in psychology, it's an evidence-based practice. ➡️To all those from ethnic minority backgrounds, I want to say that I hear you and understand your diversity from a far greater depth. My own ethnic background is a crucial strength here as I bring a different perspective to the challenge at hand. ➡️If you are a leader who is struggling to manage diversity for your team, I can help you consciously and successfully manage that. ➡️If any of this resonates with you, I want to say to YOU that I hear you & can potentially help you. I can help you own your growth and elevate your career, manage focus and live a happier life (whatever that definition of 'happier' is for You.) ☀️To know more, book a 15 min free virtual coffee, DM me on LinkedIn DM or https://calendly.com/reenajha/teatime I'd so love to have a chat and coffee with you!👋 Cheers, Reena

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