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Renate Hahn

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Global executive with strategic and operational insights from a global, regional & country perspective through top pharmaceutical companies worldwide within a €2bn business 25+ years of broad functional and cross-functional leadership experiences (programme leadership, general management, marketing & commercial excellence, medical, market access) in matrix organisations with a focus of bringing out the best in people and being passionate to take action, make decisions & follow through General management with P&L responsibility Proven global brand and portfolio launch track record (including blockbusters) across various therapeutic areas and geographies with 70+ launches executed successfully globally Extensive knowledge in the fields of Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiology (hypertension), Hematology (thrombosis & ultra-rare blood disorders), Rare Diseases, as well as Oncology(gastroenterology & breast cancer), Neuroscience & Infectious diseases, with expertise in biologics involving recombinant DNA technology (eg. insulin, growth hormone, blood factors) Registered pharmacist keeping abreast with industry developments through continued education

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