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Starting out as a chef, I quickly worked my way up the ladder. I left the Kitchen age 28, with the experience of being a head chef to 3 Restaurants. I switched to bartending, managing bars and nightclubs where I acquired further knowledge of leadership, business- and team management. Meanwhile, I attended the Swiss Academy of Fitness and Sports and graduated as a Fitness trainer. First to just understand better how to train myself better and later to support others with the same desire. I found a passion in teaching, training and coaching at 30 and further developed and certified my skills and knowledge around functional training, crossfitness, human anatomy and started to combine my mental training, acquired through years of leadership with knowledge of nutrition and physical fitness. While working as a Fitness instructor for high performance clients, I went deeper into rest and recovery concepts like qigong and yoga as well as mobility flows to further understand stress management and enhance learning and integration of knowledge of my clients and myself. Once I started to get an understanding of the big picture of human performance I began studying applied psychology, behavior modification and successfully integrated efficient NLP concepts, ACT principles and saw a holistic performance system build up while working as a coach, trainer and mentor. Today I host workshops, seminars and retreats around transformation and performance development with the mission to build better humans who then build better businesses and structures that have a positive impact in our society and a sustainable relationship with our planet.
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