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Rachel Radway

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Do you: • Say yes to everything, even when your plate’s already overflowing? • Struggle to set, communicate or maintain boundaries? • Stand up for others but shy away from advocating for yourself? • Take feedback personally, and worry about giving it to others? • Feel like you’re alone in your high standards/expectations of quality? • Get emotional over things others don’t, and then judge yourself for it? • Spend too much time making sure everyone else is taken care of, and then work late to get your own stuff done? You might have high sensory intelligence (AKA high sensitivity). 20-30% of the global population shares this trait. Highly sensitive brains work differently. They are more responsive to a wide range of stimuli and process everything more deeply than others. I learned I’m an HSP (highly sensitive person, a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron in the ‘90s) almost 20 years ago, read Aron’s book, and although it made sense of so much of my life, didn’t take it all in then. I spent decades feeling alone, wondering why others seemed to have it so much easier. I was unhappy and still working my butt off, and more than once the combination led to severe burnout. Then I was reminded about high sensory intelligence. Something clicked, and I started reading and researching and talking with other HSPs. I began to align my work and other aspects of my life more closely with my values and goals, and things fell into place. Turned out almost all my leadership coaching clients were highly sensitive, too — whether or not they realized it. I’d found my people and my purpose. High-sensory people are born with superpowers — empathy, intuition, discernment, perspective, and strategic thinking, among others — that the world needs desperately. When we’re functioning at our best, there's nothing we can't do. I've lived in 9 countries, traveled in dozens more, and studied 9 languages (if only I could speak them all!). I’ve built and led global teams and functions in communications, content, design operations, and organizational culture in the tech and nonprofit worlds. Now I use my 30+ yes years' experience and training to work with women leaders who want to claim their power, find their voice and learn to advocate for themselves, and create their dream lives. I'm building a small, impactful community of these leaders. If this resonates with you, please reach out! What clients are saying: https://www.rercoaching.com/testimonials ❣️ Subscribe to my newsletter: https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7173733633617252353

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