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Ryan Howell's Linkedin Analytics

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London based entrepreneur and investor interested in 3D graphics, machine learning and web3. Deeply interested in people and products, and where the two come together. Currently the CEO of M-XR. a 3D technology start-up that has pioneered a universal standard and raw file format (.MXR) for 3D material capture, pushing the boundaries of realism in 3D renders by harnessing previously unattainable data at scale. The proprietary approach is compatible with an array of scanning and handheld systems. Our mission is two-fold: first, to automate the accurate digitisation of the real-world; and second, to amass a rich and nuanced dataset. This dataset will lay the groundwork for the creation of best-in-class foundational models. Fuelling the future of generative and procedural modelling, empowering users to craft infinite virtual world at scale.

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