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Rich Stone

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I am a commercially focused and successful results-oriented International marketing leader, covering EMEA and Global markets, at both a strategic and operational level for companies ranging from UK/European scale ups to NYSE corporations. For over 20+ years, I have been building, shaping and scaling marketing organisations - developing and executing GTM strategies, growth marketing; business transformation and change helping drive significant marketing performance and revenue growth whilst unlocking marketing efficiencies and re-energising brand experiences. Leveraging my in-house experience I specialise in driving market expansion for high growth/scale up B2B Enterprise Software/SaaS; Technology and Services businesses and building out high performing and revenue focused multi national marketing teams working closely with cross functional stakeholders; C level executives; and strategic partners. As a consultant, I focus on helping companies maximise their marketing investment; streamline and scale operations; and deliver results through clear Go To Market strategies, strategic planning and innovative integrated campaign development and implementation. Key focus areas: - Interim/Fractional Leadership and marketing advisory - Marketing transformation and change management - process/people/technology/hiring & onboarding - Growth marketing (including assessments/audits) - business growth and scalability, driving efficiencies and performance improvements Please reach out to me if you think I can be of value to you or your organisation. Email: [email protected] Services provided: Marketing Consulting; Interim/Fractional Marketing Leadership; Marketing Strategy; Go-To-Market Strategy; Growth Marketing; Performance Marketing; Demand Generation/Lead Generation; Marketing & Business Transformation; Change Management; Strategic Planning; Product Marketing; Brand Marketing; Campaign Development & Execution

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