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Richard Akande

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You are probably wondering what I am all about and if I can help you. Please feel at home as I show you how I can help you. Don't run away) : The Boy is Richard, first👑🔥 . A freelance web and SEO content writer, second. And a marketing copywriter, third. I help B2B and healthcare brands communicate their value proposition and engage their target audiences with high-performing content. Whether it's SEO-optimized articles, blog posts, case studies, sales letters, brochures, or presentations, I deliver quality, clarity, and creativity in every project. I have been working as a freelance web and SEO content writer since 2020, and I have earned a Top Rated badge on Upwork, representing the top 10% of talent on the platform. I have also partnered with UK-based FATJOE, a leading SEO, copywriting, and marketing service provider, as a web content editor for a short but successful contract. My diverse portfolio includes projects for various industries, including pharma, life sciences, healthcare IT, medical device manufacturers, and wellness companies. I have also written on topics such as prescription adherence, physical and mental fitness, and cloud service providers for healthcare agencies. My main goal is to create content that informs, educates, persuades, and delights the readers, whether they are HCPs, stakeholders, decision-makers, patients, or your customers. I use my background in medicine and surgery, my skills in content creation and written communication, and my attention to detail to achieve this. I also value collaboration, feedback, and continuous learning, and I always strive to improve my craft and stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the industry. If you are looking for a content specialist who can help you boost your online presence, increase your sales, and build trust and loyalty with your customers, I would love to hear from you. Let's have a virtual coffee chat and discuss how we can work together to achieve your content goals. I have a gift for you in my featured section on how to make dollars and command respect with your website content, and a special offer for pharma marketing managers. Contact me today and let's do some amazing things together! Off-Business, I like to delve into world history, personal development, philosophy, human health, and life generally. So if any of these topics also tickle your fancy, I would love to have you in my DM. Thank you. Cheers to Your Success 🥂 Richard.

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