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Rick Reddell

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Award-winning Executive Sales Leader, Large-Enterprise Business Operations Manager, Pre-Sales Technical Support Manager and Enterprise IT Manager. Superior work-ethic, organizational skills, and ability to motivate team excellence. Highly-effective leadership style, reinforced by strong technical, analytical, and communication skills. Rick has over 20 years of leadership experience in the Information Technology industry. Prior to joining Hewlett-Packard, Rick led IBM Sales teams at two different Business Partner firms, where he was recruited as part of an Executive loan program from IBM. For 10+ years at IBM, Rick excelled in various sales management roles. In these roles, Rick was directly responsible for Open-Systems and Enterprise solution sales of Servers, Networking, Storage, Software, Professional Services, and Financing. Rick is known for his superb sales leadership. He delivers measurable results beyond targets and takes pride in the professional development and success of his team. Rick holds a BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in Computer Information Systems from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, CA. Specialties: * Sales Management * Organizational Skills * Leadership / Mentoring / Team Development * Customer Relationships / Partnerships * Account Management * Sales Operations * New Business Development * Regional Marketing Strategies

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