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Rishabh Nag

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Hello! I'm Rishabh, Founder of Humanli.ai. My journey has been driven by a single, unwavering mission: to leverage the power of AI in transforming how enterprises converse with their data and derive meaningful insights. Having been at the forefront of management consulting and finance sectors, I've witnessed firsthand the inefficiencies plaguing data pipelines in major corporates. This inspired me to launch Humanli.ai, aiming to bridge the gap between vast, diversified data sources and actionable, data-driven decisions. Why Humanli.ai? - End-to-End AI Solutions: We don't just enable firms to communicate with their data; we ensure they glean insights that might be missed due to human error or time constraints. - Unparalleled Experience: My rich background from IIMC to McKinsey to GOI Think Tank has given me a unique perspective on data and its potential. - Unique Value Proposition: Unlike many in the market, we offer a comprehensive solution for smart data conversations, placing decision-makers in a powerful position to act promptly and accurately. Our three tenets at Humanli.ai are: - Plan Client Priorities - Solve the BIG Puzzle - High-Quality Delivery I'm keen to connect with CXOs and leaders from Fortune 2000 companies who are as passionate as I am about harnessing data for growth and innovation. Let's shape the future of data-driven decisions together.

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